In this article, we will go through the steps to schedule a meeting on the KUDO Meeting solution.
1. Log into your KUDO Client Account*
Click on "Schedule a Meeting" on the top right-hand side.
* via the US-based server:
* via the Europe-based server:
* via the Asia-based server:
* via the Canada-based server:
2. Add the meeting information:
- Meeting title: which will be visible on the top of the KUDO Meeting screen as wellas on the invite emails
- Description: will be visible on the invite emails and the meeting joining page.
- Time zone
- Start time and end time: make sure to add buffer time before (for preparation, soundcheck) and after (in case the meeting goes longer) the actual meeting time,
- Languages: make sure to add all the languages that will be spoken during the meeting (including the original / source language)
- Preparation time: depending on your subscription plan, you may have the option to set a preparation time for the meeting. The preparation time is to allow interpreters, operators, but also any key participant (host, speakers, organizers, etc.) to join in advance for soundcheck, tests, and alignment before the rest of the audience joins. The preparation time is visible on the meeting joining page and all invite emails so that all participants know at what time they are expected to join based on their role.
3. Advanced Settings:
Click on "Advanced Settings" to configure the following:
- Meeting type: choose between Small and Large meetings. This will optimize the platform for multilingual interactions versus one-to-many presentations. A Large meeting is necessary to use KUDO streaming features.
- Meeting logo: add a logo that will be displayed on the meeting joining page, and in the meeting room for a couple of seconds when participants join.
- Speaker Mode: choose between 'Open mic' and 'Request to speak' modes.
- Open mic mode: all participants are visible on screen and allowed to speak at any time. This mode is limited to 20 participants.
- Request to speak mode: only the host(s) are visible on screen at all time. The other participants must request to speak and be approved by the meeting host or operator in order to use their mic and camera. This mode can accommodate a large number of participants. However, a maximum of 20 participants can be on screen with microphone and camera accessible at once.
- Hand raise: participants already on screen can raise their hands to visually indicate they would like to speak.
- Recording: (optional feature available at a fee) allows the host(s) and operator to record the meeting in all its languages. The recording audio-video files (mp4) will be available to download from your client account right after the meeting. Recording files are only stored on KUDO for 30 days.
- ‘Automatic recording’ can also be enabled. This feature will start the recording automatically as soon as the KUDO meeting is live, without the need for a host or an operator to start it manually. If you have set preparation time,KUDO will not automatically record this portion of the meeting.
- Captioning: (optional feature available at a fee) enables multilingual captioning live during the meeting. Captioning is currently available in the 11 languages* below.
- English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Japanese.
- Hybrid Meeting: (optional feature available at a fee) enables on-site participants to access a tailored meeting interface for a smoother experience. This feature also enables ‘KUDO Audio Manager’ to integrate KUDO Meeting into your on-site conference system and interpretation booths.
- PIN Protection: turn on this feature to automatically generate a PIN code for the meeting. Participants will be requested to enter the PIN code in order to join the meeting.
- Host: add the email addresses of your meeting’s host(s). You can assign up to 2 hosts per meeting. Hosts join as participants and benefit from additional features(accept/deny requests to speak from participants, control mics and cameras, manage polls, chat with interpreters, upload documents, manage the waiting room, start/end recording, end the meeting, etc.).
- Mobile Settings: if you expect participants to join from the KUDO mobile app, configure the settings for them. You can choose to remove the camera access, and/or to turn off the meeting video for them.
- Invite Method: choose between the Add Users / Invite Links and Added Users Only methods.
- Add Users / Invite Links method: you can invite the participants by adding them as users to the KUDO meeting, or by simply sharing the participant link with them.
- Added Users Only method: participants must be added as users to the meeting. They will receive an automated email to create an account on KUDO and set an individual password. They will be prompted to enter their email and individual password in order to join the meeting.
- KUDO Support: allow KUDO to access the meeting information for statistics and post-meeting support.
4. Click on “Save” to confirm the meeting creation.
5. Check your meeting details.
- After creating your meeting, you are directed to your meeting’s details page. You can “Edit Meeting" any time prior to the meeting to change the above settings (note that a couple of them cannot be edited). You can also "Cancel Meeting" anytime.
- The meeting status is “Scheduled” until it starts. You can manually "Start Meeting" before its scheduled time if needed.
- On the right, you will find all the meetings links:
- Participant link: for participants and host(s). Host(s) will be assigned to their role when entering their email address to log in. All participants using this link will have the chance to request to speak, chat, participate in polling, download documents, etc.
- Interpreter link: one unique link for all interpreters and all languages. The interpreters have the chance to configure their languages once they log in.
- Operator link: for the KUDO operator or your internal technician. The operator has access to all the host features and rights but does not have a microphone or camera.
- Viewer link: for the passive audience. Participants using this link can only follow the meeting in their preferred language, without any interaction possible.
6. Book interpreters
To book interpreters from KUDO's Interpreter Marketplace follow these instructions.