To create a session, first log in to your account using the correct URL shared with you by the KUDO team (there are different URLs depending on your region).
Once logged in, click on "New Session" and then select "AI Speech Translation."
Give your session a title. This title will be displayed in the invitation and other parts of the user interface (UI) for participants.
If you want to schedule a meeting for the future, set the Start and End Time for your session. Note that, to avoid disruptions for sessions lasting longer than the scheduled time, a grace period of 1 hour is automatically applied. This means the session will automatically end at the set time + 1 hour. If you want to disable this feature and ensure the session ends exactly at the scheduled time, activate the option "Automatically end session at end time." In any case, you can always manually end a session at any time.
If you want to start a session immediately, you do not need to modify the Start Time.
Next, decide on the Translation Type. You can choose between:
One-way communication: This offers both captions and voice translation with the highest possible quality. Since the translation is sentence-based, the latency will average 3–6 seconds. This mode is best suited for presentations, workshops, or lessons where interactions are minimal (no conversations).
Interactive communication: This offers captions only, delivered at high speed with low latency. This mode is ideal for interactive meetings.
Set the languages that participants will speak (Speaker Languages) and the languages in which the translation will be available (Translation Languages).
You can set the advanced settings. See [xxx] for more information about the available Advanced Settings.
Click "Save."
Your session has been scheduled. A new window displaying the details of the scheduled session will appear. You can start the session by clicking the "Start Session" icon or by opening the session link available under "Participant."
See [xxx] for more information about the details of a scheduled session.