In order to find which of the streaming methods you should use (RTMP or HLS), please refer to this article.
This article will cover:
Starting the broadcast using HLS
Enabling HLS
From your Client account, navigate to the Broadcast tab, then click on the ON toggle, next to HLS. Once this has been made, a pop-up notification will appear on the screen, informing you about the change.
Getting the HLS code
By using HLS, what you need to do is simply paste some generated code on your website. This code can be obtained from the Information tab of your account, then click on the dropdown called 'Copy Widget Code' on the viewer section.
The correct code for HLS Streaming is called 'Broadcasting'.
Once you have the code, this can be added to a page on your website. We suggest this to be handled by your web developer, to avoid issues with your website.
NOTE: Depending on how many viewers you are expecting to have, make sure that your hosting plan supports high traffic.
Starting the broadcast
Once everything has been set up, and your meeting has started in KUDO, you can also start streaming:
NOTE: If you are having a multilingual meeting, make sure that all the Interpretation channels are active before starting the broadcast;
Using the Client account:
- Navigate to the Broadcast tab;
- Click on the 'Start Broadcast' link situated on the top right section of the page;
As an Operator / Host Participant:
- Click on the broadcast icon, situated on the bottom icon list;
Additional notes
- The number of viewers is unlimited; (It depends on the hosting server located capacity);
- You can have multiple languages;
- The viewers can easily switch from one language to another;
- There will be a delay/latency of about 15-20 seconds, from the time the streamed data reaches the viewer;
- A broadcast can include up to 9 video streams from the meeting (and up to 50 audio streams). If the meeting includes more than 9 video streams concurrently, the extra streams will not be included in the broadcast.
- The HLS streams stops automatically 60 seconds after the last client disconnects from the meeting.
- The maximum HLS stream duration is of 4 hours;