There are a few scenarios that can cause the "You cannot authorise the app error." Continue reading to find your scenario and the steps to install the app.
Scenario 1. "An account admin is required to install this type of app. Please contact your account admin or IT administrator to install this app."
To fix it: Have your admin install the App for you, or have your admin give you the "Marketplace" permission, located here:
Scenario 2. "This app cannot be installed outside of the developer's account. Please contact the application developer to get support with installing this application."
To fix it: To share apps outside of your (the developer's) account, you must publish the app to the Zoom App Marketplace. If you are looking to test your app externally before publishing it, you can request a publishable url. If you are looking to have your app be installed externally, but limit who can install it, read here.
Scenario 3. "You cannot install the app because you don't have the required permissions. Please contact your IT administrator for permission and try again."
To fix it: Have your admin install the App for you, or have your admin give you the respective permission to match the scope you set for the app. You can see which permission you need by visiting:{AppIDFromUrlHere}
Have your admin go to and give you the respective permission:
Once you have been granted the respective permission, sign out and back into your Zoom account. You should see a checkmark instead of an X for the permission you were missing.
You should now be able to install the app.